Gym Class Heroes - 2006
Yearbook Club: Boys in Bands Interlude
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10th Period: Biter's Block
13th period: On My Own Time (Write On!)
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1st Period: The Queen And I
2nd Period: Shoot Down The Stars
3rd Period: New Friend Request
4th Period: Clothes Off!
6th Period: Viva La White Girl
7th Period: 7 Weeks
8th period: It's Ok, But Just This Once!
Viva La White Girl
The Queen And I
Sloppy Love Jingle, Pt. 3
Sloppy Love Jingle, Pt. 2
Sloppy Love Jingle, Pt. 1
Shoot down the stars
Scandalous Scholastics
On My Own Time (Write On!)
New Friend Request
Cupid's Chokehold
Clothes Off!
Biters Block
7 Weeks
The Papercut Chronicles II
Patches from the Quilt
The Quilt
TMNT: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Road Mix
As Cruel as School Children
The Papercut Chronicles
...For the Kids
Greasy Kid Stuff