105 canciones
The Unabomber
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The Geins
The Bath House
How 'Bout Some Coffee
Fathers Big Nuts
Zodiac (Identity Unknown)
You're Dying To Be With Me (Dennis Nielsen)
White Hen Decapitator (Michael Bethke)
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What's That Smell? (Jeffery Dahmer )
What The Hell Did You Do? (James Edward Pough)
What The Heck Richard Speck Eight Nurses You Wrecked!
Vampire Of Dusseldorf (Peter Kurtin)
Ultra Violent
Trampled To Death
There Was A Young Man Who Blew Up A Plane (Jack Gilbert Graham)
The Wustenfeld Man Eater (Armin Meiwes)
The Werewolf of Bedburg (Peter Stumpp)
The Ted Bundy Song (Ted Bundy)
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