Trae El Cielo Aquí (Ingles)

Trae El Cielo Aquí (Ingles)


Angels of heaven come to sing
Your voices are heard in this place
Although it seems crazy
Although I know it’s not normal
By faith they will happen

Invisible things that nobody has touched
Sounds from heaven that nobody has heard
Things that are not normal
Supernatural things
By faith they will happen

Open our eyes like Elisha
Show us the sky
Show us the sky

Flood us with your glory
Bring heaven here

Angels of heaven come to sing
Your voices are heard in this place
Although it seems crazy
Although I know it’s not normal
By faith they will happen

Invisible things that nobody has touched
Sounds from heaven that nobody has heard
Things that are not normal
Supernatural things
By faith they will happen

Open our eyes like Elisha
Show us the sky
Show us the sky

Flood us with your glory
Bring heaven here

Before your glory demons fall
Flee death, there is no disease
There is no disease
Heaven is here
Heaven is here

Flood us with your glory
Bring heaven here

Before your glory demons fall
Flee death, there is no disease
There is no disease
Heaven is here
Heaven is here

Flood us with your glory
Bring heaven here

Trae El Cielo Aquí (Ingles)


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