No Clause 28

No Clause 28

Boy George

Won’t you be elated
To tamper with our pride
They say to celebrate it
Is social suicide

I’m not your average beat boy
I’m not your rebel guy
You want to make us hated
You want to make us slide

No Clause 28
No Clause 28
Brother you’re much too late

Don’t need this legislation
You don’t need this score
Don’t need this facist groove
Just to show pornography the door

Don’t mean to be too precious
I don’t mean to be uptight
But tell me iron lady
Are we moving to the right?

No Clause 28
No Clause 28
Brother you’re much too late

They talk about AIDS they call it a curse
But brothers we know it’s gonna get worse
You know you won’t cure it with TV campaigns
Or telling those mothers what to put in their veins

I’m telling you suckers start using your heads
By putting the money in hospital beds
You’re clamping our cars the streets are a mess
Look what you’ve done to the NHS

Not Tory, not Labour, not SDP
It’s all the same from a factory
Don’t talk to me about political choice
I don’t like your tone and I don’t like your voice

No Clause 28
No Clause 28
Brother you’re much too late

A Boy Called Alice


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