This is the New Education
Promoting liberation
Rejecting dem illusion
Rastafari are the keepers of tradition
Ma’at: Our principles
Guiding InI inna spiritual developement
The good ova evil, only truth that will lead to our freedom
African moral ressurection
Moving forward to redemption
Spiritual, physical and mental
That is the way we a go honor the ancestors
This is the New Education
Promoting liberation
Rejecting dem illusion
Rastafari are the keepers of tradition
His Majesty promoting our progress
H.I.M. words touch the rastaman and empress
Now we gave to I-thiopia our faithfullness
We have found our motherland, we are no homeless
When we say the New Education
InI bring back the ancient civilization
That the elders already set up the foundation
This is the New Education
Promoting liberation
Rejecting dem illusion
Rastafari are the keepers of tradition
Good ova evil, in the valley of decision
This is the New Education
Promoting liberation
Rejecting dem illusion
Rastafari are the keepers of tradition
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