Giuseppe Verdi
José Carlos Santos Silva
I vespri Siciliani
O tu palermo
O patria, o cara patria, alfin ti veggo!
L’esule ti saluta dopo sì lunga assenza.
Il fiorente tuo suolo ripien d’amore io bacio.
Reco il mio voto a te, col braccio e il core!
O fatherland, o dear fatherland, at last I see you!
The exile greets you after so long an absence.
With love I kiss your flowering soil.
I will keep my vow to you, with my arm and with my heart!
O tu, Palermo, terra adorata,
a me sì caro riso d’amor,
alza la fronte tanto oltraggiata,
il tuo ripiglia primier splendor!
O thou, Palermo, beloved land,
laugh of love so dear to me,
raise your much outraged brow,
reclaim your former splendor!
Chiesi aita a straniere nazioni,
ramingai per castella e città.
Ma, insensibil al fervido sprone,
dicea ciascun:
Siciliani, ov’è il prisco valor?
Su, sorgete a vittoria, all’onor!
I sought help from foreign nations,
I wandered through castles and cities.
But, insensible of my fervid urging,
every one of them said:
Sicilians, where is your former valor?
Go on, rise up to victory, to honor!
O tu, Palermo, ecc. O thou, Palermo, etc.
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