Anatadake mitsumeteru (i’m looking for you)
Wasurarenaidehoshii (can you see it?)
Imamoomotteiruto (i’m still here)
Anatani manandakoto aisugiruto
Naiteshimaundane??but still?
Everyday i see her and pass her by (aitaiyo baby)
Nothing can replace her but she’s not mine (itsumademo i love you)
If things were different she’d be by my side (tsuresatteyo)
So everyday i see her and pass her by?by?
You see. all i want is a chance to feel real within
I want to feel this love that i’m feelin’
I’m missing out on love so true my hearts grown cold and
Babe the only cure is you
Saigonokoudatta (i wish she could be right here)
Owarinante naihazudatta (so weird)
Imadatte shinjiteru (i see you i see you,i see me i see me)
Tatoe kizutsukukamoshirenaikedo
Tsutaetehoshii hontounokotowo
Everyday i see her and pass her (byaitaiyo baby)
Nothing can replace her but she’s not mine (i want you daketo)
If things were different she’d be my side (tsuresatteyo)
So everyday isee her and pass her by?by?
You see. all i want is a chance to feel real within
I want to feel this love that i’m feelin’
I’m missing out on love so true my hearts grown cold and
Babe the only cure is you
Oshiete eiennoaigahoshii
Anohinoayamachiwa machigaidato everyday
Everyday i see her and pass her by (aitaiyo baby)
Nothing can replace her but she’s not mine (itsumademo i love you)
If things were different she’d be by my side (tsuresatteyo)
So everyday i see her and pass her by?by?
You see. all i want is a chance to feel real within
I want to feel this love that i’m feelin’
I’m missing out on love so true my hearts grown cold and
Babe the only cure is you
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