Han nacido en mi rancho dos arbolitos,
dos arbolitos que paracen gemelos,
y desde mi casita los veo solitos
bajo el amparo santo y la luz del cielo.
nunca estã¡n separados uno del otro
porque asã quiso dios que los dos nacieran,
y con sus mismas ramas se hacen caricias
como si fueran novios que se quisieran.
arbolito, arbolito, bajo tu sombra
voy a esparar que el dãa cansado muera,
y cuando estoy solito mirando al cielo
pido pa’ que me mande una compañera.
arbolito, arbolito, me siento solo
quiero que me acompañes hasta que muera.
two little trees
two little trees have been born
on my ranch
two little trees that look like twins
and from my house i see them all alone
under the holy protection and light
from the heavens.
they are never separated,
one form the other
because that is how god wanted
for the two of them to be born,
and with their own brances
they caress each other
as if they were sweethearts
who loved each other.
little tree, little tree,
under your shade
i’m going to wait until
the end of this tiring day,
and when i’m all alone
looking to the sky
i’m going to ask heaven
to send me a companion.
little tree, little tree
i feel alone
i want you to accompany me
until i die.
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