I arrived here at 20, rail thin in a polka-dot
Tooth enamel dissolved by stomach acid
I was banking on my high school sweetheart
To be a source of love
An injection for a supply I’d been mercilessly
Cut off from
It didn’t work
In the time we’d spent apart, he’d become a surfer
Up in San Luis Obispo
And had developed a penchant for getting high
At 5 in the morning
I spent my time with him mainly
A. Not eating
B. Checking the status of my hip bones
C. Hiding from his alpha roommates
I’d wander around town cosplaying as a girl next door
Hitting up TJ Maxx
Like a normal American girl
In a normal American world
Far from a singing career, close to
I was a
No family
Except there was a family
My Mum, who I called in desperation
To book my plane ticket home
Things went sour fast and my high school sweetheart
Turned to aspartame dust
I took the train to Hollywood (like a cliché) and drove
The Amtrack like I was in the lap of luxuré
Relieved to have escaped the tension of a reunion gone
Hollywood Boulevard smelled like the apocalypse and
The pale winter light added to my feeling of
Of not being real anymore
Of life being a numb game
I could’ve died and not felt anything
I spent my days visiting emo stores on
Melrose, dodging drug addicts on trains
And shopping at Forever 21
On my last night I caught my reflection, a silver light
Bouncing off ribs protuding crudely from my back
It was then that I realized the jig was up
My plan to be thin hadn’t worked
I didn’t make him love me
Years later, we meet again at the Roosevelt Hotel
Two old friends sharing the same soul connection
We’d had in high school. He told me when he’d seen
The ‘Hollywood’ video he’d felt sick
Because I’d achieved my dreams. Because I wasn’t a lunatic
And somehow it healed a forgotten part of me
He was the only one I’d ever told about my dreams
I was no longer a victim. I had been redeemed
No longer a dropout. He had seen me succeed
And finally, I wasn’t who I was at seventeen anymore
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