Ain’t nothing like the real thingbarry manilow(duet with muffy hendrix)music & lyric by nick ashford & valerie simpsonain’t nothing like the real thing, babyain’t nothing like the real thingain’t nothing like the real thing, babyain’t nothing like the real thingi’ve got your picture hanging on the wallbut it can’t see or come to mewhen i call your namei realize it’s just a picture in a framei read your letters when you’re not herebut they don’t move me and they don’t groove melike when i hear your sweet voicewhispering in my earchorusi play my game of fantasyand i pretend that i’m not in realityi need the shelterof your arms to comfort meno other sound is quite the same as your nameno touch can do quite as muchto make me feel betterso let’s stay togetheri’ve got the memories to look back onand though they help me when you’re gonei’m well awarebut nothing can take the place of your being thereso glad we’ve got the real thing, babyso glad we’ve got the real thingain’t nothing like the real thing, babyain’t nothing like the real thing

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