In order to test the effects of an incapacitating drug
Under field conditions a simple exercise was devised
The troops were given the same quantity
Of water to drink before each day’s exercise
Unknown to the troops, the drug was added
To the water on the second day
The first effects of the drug make their appearance
The men no longer take cover
They relax and begin to giggle
Losing all contact with reality
The troops have lost their air of urgency
And many men are laughing
Meanwhile, radio communication
At the beaches has become difficult
If not impossible
Men with no specific task in the corps have relaxed
With laughter and inconsquential behaviour
Though they are still capable of sustained physical effort
Seventy minutes after the administration of the drug
With one man climbing a tree
The troop commander gives up
Saying I cannot do anything about this
I cannot control the men and I can take no action myself
I am wiped out
I’m taking pause
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