Listen listen listen to my heart song
Listen listen listen to my heart song
I will never forget you
I will never forsake you
I will never forget you
I will never forsake you
Listen listen listen to my heart song
Listen listen listen to my heart song
I will never forget you
I will never forsake you
I will never forget you
I will never forsake you
Listen listen listen to my heart song
Listen listen listen to my heart song
I will never forget you
I will never forsake you
I will never forget you
I will never forsake you
Though I speak in the tongues of men and of angels
But have not love
I am a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal
And though I have the gift of prophecy
And understand all mysteries and all knowledge
And though I have all faith so as to remove mountains
But have not love
I am nothing
The path of love
The path of the heart
The path of emotions, relationship, dualism
Taking you to the essence of love
Taking you from loving to being love
It is the path of the heart
Listen listen listen to my heart song
Listen listen listen to my heart song
I will never forget you
I will never forsake you
I will never forget you
I will never forsake you
Listen listen listen to my heart song
Listen listen listen to my heart song
I will never forget you
I will never forsake you
I will never forget you
I will never forsake you
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